Fiber Arts

Category for Fiber Art

Tammy McCullough - Fiber Arts

Tammy McCullough

Tammy McCullough / Chickadee Creations by Tammy Tammy’s inspiration transpires from living in Central Oregon with its diverse animal population (wild and domesticated). She loves the beauty, joy, and humor of our furry/feathered friends. “I am a woolgatherer. My artistry is an expression of heart and nature singing a duet. ” – Tammy McCullough Working […]

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Stephanie Stanley - Fiber Arts

Stephanie Stanley

Stephanie Stanley Stephanie’s interest in weaving began in the 80’s when she spotted a neighbors loom. After acquiring the necessary tools and moving to Bend, she was able to begin selling her art in the late 90’s. Her home is her studio with six looms, weaving equipment, dyes, sewing machines, fabric, yarn, thread and beads

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