Kenneth Marunowski / Kenneth Marunowski Fine Art

Kenneth Marunowski is an oil, acrylic, and mixed-media painter residing in Bend, Oregon. Ken derives inspiration from the landscape, which drives his art in a multitude of directions. Plein air painting is often a starting point for the artist, who, once in the studio, may then transform the image into a large abstraction. Intuitive, bold mark-making and nuanced color are signature components of the artist’s continuously developing style.

Kenneth Marunowski

Kenneth Marunowski / Kenneth Marunowski Fine Art

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More About Me

Drawing upon the rich traditions of French Impressionism and American Abstract Expressionism, my medium-to-large oil paintings bring together elements of both artistic movements in dynamic, colorful compositions. Even when nature serves as my point of departure, my primary subject matter is paint itself and the formal elements involved in the process of painting: color, value, line, shape, and texture.

Mark-making drives my process and functions as the signature component of my work. Uncontrived, these marks follow the flow of my body as I move across the canvas, at times meditatively, at other times furiously. I add I subtract, and I add again, utilizing the arsenal of tools at my ready: brushes, scrapers, rags, my hands – whatever it takes to make the painting work.