Gwinup & Woodman / Blue Spruce Pottery

Michael and Michele Gwinup’s journey with clay started while attending Western Oregon University in 1974. Michael was an art major and began taking pottery classes., Michele soon joined him. They both loved working in clay and soon were making pots and building and firing kilns. After graduation in 1976, they moved to Bend, Oregon and started their pottery business, Blue Spruce Pottery. In 2008, their daughter and son-in-law, Melissa and Patrick Woodman, joined them in their pottery business. In March of 2022 Michael unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack while snowboarding at Mt Bachelor. We are finding our way forward as best we can and will continue his legacy of making beautiful handmade pottery. Michael was an amazing artist and a mentor to many.

Gwinup & Woodman (Blue Spruce Pottery) 1

Gwinup & Woodman / Blue Spruce Pottery